All posters will be presented digitally using the iPoster and PDF+ poster system. The AIFES iPoster Support Team emailed accepted poster presenters’ login information and instructions for submitting and uploading posters.
At the meeting venue, poster presenters will be provided with a 55-inch touchscreen monitor and a small shelf to hold brochures or business cards. For planning purposes, it is imperative that all posters are uploaded and published no later than Thursday, June 6, 2024. Please note that you may continue to work on your posters after uploading them.
On the day of the event, poster presenters must be available and at their assigned digital poster during open discussions. An iPoster technician will be onsite to ensure your posters are loaded and displayed correctly on the touchscreen. Additional information will be emailed to poster presenters before the meeting date.
All poster presenters must also complete the meeting registration, which has been extended to 10:00 am Thursday, June 6, 2024. If you need assistance registering using your unique registration code that was previously emailed or have not received an email with the details on how to submit your electronic poster, please contact us immediately at acwilliams@tomandjerryinc.com.
For technical support with your iPoster, please explore the links below, which provide detailed guides on creating an iPoster or PDF+ poster.
iPoster Author Resources: Tutorials, Quick Guide, FAQs, Sample posters
If you need additional help, please contact our online support desk.
Important Note: When you communicate with iPoster Support, please use this Conference Code: AIFES24
Please consider this event a public forum and observe all applicable International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), Sensitive but Unclassified (SBU), or copyright regulations required by your organization. Your poster will be published online in electronic form and should not contain any information inappropriate for public release.